Clinical trials

Clinical trials are a vital component of medical research and healthcare advancement. They provide the necessary evidence to develop new treatments, improve patient outcomes, and enhance our understanding of Angelman syndrome.

Clinical trials are essential for testing the safety and efficacy of new drugs, therapies, and medical interventions. They help researchers determine whether a new treatment is effective, so they are a vital step toward therapeutics.

The most up to date information can be found on the Australian Clincal Trials website. Click on the image link to view trials recruiting for Angleman syndrome, by changing tabs on the left hand you can filter by trial status, state and more.

Resources to understand current & upcoming trials

Every year, the Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics (United States) hold a Global Science Summit presenting all the latest updates. Every second year, FAST Australia give updates in an Australian conference that rotates across Capital Cities (the next one is due 2025).  Recording are made available on each of our Youtube chanels under playlists. One of our favourite presentations each year is given by FAST US Chief Science Officer Dr Allyson Berent. If you are just starting out, we highly recommend you watch (and share) this youtube clip for an overview of current and potential therpeutic approaches. 

Clinical Trial Phases

Control Groups

We are committed to making clinical trials accessible to Australian families by;

  • Continuing to empower a network of professionals who understand Angelman syndrome, our community, and the outcomes our families want,
  • Enable national and state-wide infrastructure to run and manage clinical trials,
  • Connect with all Australian families,
  • Address the under diagnosis of Angelman syndrome in Australia